

Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Hyogo

Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Hyogo

About us

Department of Business Administration

The history of the Department of Business Administration started when the Graduate School of Business Administration (Master’s program) was established at Kobe University of Commerce in 1965, followed by the beginning of the Doctoral program in 1971. The department has established a systematic learning system allowing students to take courses necessary to become either researchers in business administration and related fields or eminent business professionals with advanced expertise. Of course, the tradition of Kobe University of Commerce, “the minority elite principle,” has been passed down. The department makes great effort to educate each student based on close communication between the professors and the students.


University of Hyogo Graduate School of Social Sciences
Gakuennishi-machi Nishi-ku Kobe Hyogo 651-2197 JAPAN[MAP

  • University of Hyogo