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2025.02.18 Initiatives
2025.02.18 Initiatives
2024.12.20 news
Recruiting Teams for the Nikkei STEAM Symposium 2025 (For Cu……
2024.10.19 Event
Meeting to view the comet that will never return “Tsuchinsha……
2024.09.16 Event
The “Moon and Saturn Viewing Party” was held
2024.06.25 news
The Graduate School of Disaster Resilience and Governance Co……
2024.06.18 news
Meat Lovers, a student activity group, featured in FM Osaka'……
2024.03.12 Event
Exchange Meeting between Hyogo Kobe Women's Businesses (Mim……
2024.03.11 news
[March 11,2024] School of Economics and Management and Fanto……
2024.02.03 Initiatives
Second-year Students Receive Certificate of Appreciation at ……
2023.11.18 Event
University of Hyogo, Institute for Policy Analysis and Socia……
2023.09.29 Event
Hosted the “Mid-Autumn Harvest Moon Telescope Viewing Party”……
2023.05.17 Event
[June 16] Hosting of Institute for Policy Analysis and Socia……
2023.05.16 news
Mimosa Company Certification Signboard Installed
2023.05.15 news
Now accepting 2023 Student Activity Support Program - Prefec……
2023.04.24 news
SDGs Practical Guide for Students of the School of Human Sci……
2023.02.27 Event
[March 4] Hosting of CIRIEC Japan symposium “Dealing with In……
2023.02.18 Event
Online hosting of Wildlife Management Research Center, Hyogo……
2023.02.09 Event
Hosting of the University of Hyogo’s forum to learn the late……
2023.02.08 Event
Hosting of the 39th Harima Industries Forum - Latest Initiat……
2022.11.09 Event
[December 17] We will host the 20th Anniversary of Universit……
2022.10.28 Event
A special course on the environment and finance will be host……
2022.10.22 Event
At Bosai Kokutai 2022, a session will be hosted under the th……