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Mock Lecture for Higashinada Senior High School Students Held on December 19, 2022

[Graduate School of Science] 2022.12.20

On Monday, December 19, 2022, two mock lectures were held for first-year high school students of Higashinada Senior High School by professors of the School of Science at the University.
 The first was a mock lecture by Professor Junichi Yamada titled “A Glimpse of Organic Compounds - Let's Learn Organic Chemistry! He started by explaining what organic compounds are, and then went into the chemistry of carbon at the atomic and molecular level. Then, using chemical structural formulas to illustrate examples of organic compounds in our daily lives, he explained the importance and depth of organic chemistry, and at the same time, gave the students a taste of the fun of organic chemistry.
He also showcased how organic chemistry contributes to a deeper understanding of certain SDGs and how it can be utilized to achieve these goals.
The second was a mock lecture by Associate Professor Yasuhiro Kashino titled “Past, Present, and Future of the Global Environment and Microalgae. He explained that photosynthesis by microalgae has drastically changed the global environment, and that the concentration of carbon dioxide has become smaller compared to when the earth was formed.
However, the concentration of carbon dioxide has continued to rise due to human production activities since the Industrial Revolution, and global warming is an ongoing reality. Therefore, he went on to give examples of the development of technology to deter global warming using microalgae and the production of renewable energy. He also introduced our university's efforts to utilize microalgae for the SDGs.
 Professor Junichi Yamada
 Associate Professor Yasuhiro Kashino